目前分類:果園台勞 - Working (8)

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呼... 一轉眼 lag 了六年...

在紐西蘭五個多月中, 其實我只做了兩份工作, 一個是北島Napier的葡萄園台勞, 另外, 就是在南島Alexandra的果園工作.果園工作有包含杏桃園(Apricot), 蘋果園和櫻桃園, 但老闆都是同一人, 就看果樹生長的狀況, 不同的果園有不同的工作需求.
alex (2)
杏桃園一角. 應該是我站在"風火輪"上拍的.

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背包客棧 (Backpacker Hostel): 簡單來講, 就是便宜的小旅社, 對我這種窮苦的背包客來講, 通常是住多人共住一房的宿舍房(Dorm Room), 可能會是4, 6, 8人共住一間房, 或是更多人;有男,女分開的, 亦有男女混住的.

共同演出: 紐西蘭籍室友 Garas"給拉斯", 紐西蘭籍小偷 無名, 老闆A Ned"你的", 老闆B (忘了名字), 警察

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背包客棧 (Backpacker Hostel): 簡單來講, 就是便宜的小旅社, 對我這種窮苦的背包客來講, 通常是住多人共住一房的宿舍房(Dorm Room), 可能會是4, 6, 8人共住一間房, 或是更多人;有男,女分開的, 亦有男女混住的.

領銜主演:酒醉的本地阿伯(本地伯), 倒楣的日本背包客--Hiro(英雄)
時間:20061224 早上四點多吧

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"Matapiro" Vineyard is where I worked about 2 months.
Corbans is name of it's wine, the website is http://www.corbans.co.nz.

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This article is a simple introduce about budget hostel of New Zealand and where I ever lived.

BBH: Budget Backpacker Hostels New Zealand.

There are some budget backpacker hostel associations in New Zealand(NZ) like YHA, BBH, VIP..., most famous backpacker hostels is YHA and BBH, although all of YHA hostel have the same quality and is better than BBH normally - some of BBH hostel are better than YHA hostel but most of it are not(I know it from internet, I never live in YHA hostel) - but BBH is a little cheaper than YHA, even though I bought YHA and BBH member card when I was at Taiwan, I wont live in YHA hostel unless I can't find a good BBH hostel.

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Until now I have worked at vineyard for 1 month, it's really a boring work, maybe just like someone said - its a stupid work.

What I need to do at vineyard is very easy like pruning, tying, put the wire down, cut the tie(which was tied last year)... but the work is not so easy like what you think, because of bad weather - cold and rain , good weather - sunshine, most of time it's cold in the morning then it's hot until afternoon(maybe 4 o'clock), finally it turns cold again. And vineyard is spacious, when the cold wind appears there is no way to escape, so dressing like a bank robber is a good idea.

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因為一起工作的日本人(兼司機)要搬到離工作地點--葡萄園近一點的地方, 所以上週就和他一起搬到Hastings這個小鎮了.

但現在一樣, 每天早出晚歸, 坐車經過一堆動物園 - 羊群, 牛群, 馬群 和 水果園 - 蘋果園, 葡萄園...就和明信片或旅遊介紹書看到的一樣. 然後, 直到今天才有機會將Hastings這個小鎮逛一下, 其實也沒什麼好逛的就是了, 走著走著, 就走到圖書館裏面去了.

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因為從Napier 得到一個果園工作, 上週一就殺到Napier 來, Napier在北島東部靠海的地方, 不過感覺上較之前在奧克蘭暖和多了.
Napier附近郊區有蠻多的果園, 我的工作也就是到果園裏當台勞, 現在在葡萄園工作.基本上來講, 這是一個無聊的工作, 就只是剪枝和綁樹枝, 不會很難, 也不會太辛苦(我是這樣覺得啦), 但是這裏通常是早上天氣冷, 下午天氣熱, 不時夾雜著冷風, 保暖防曬工作才是辛苦之處.

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