目前分類:南北島閒晃 - Traveling (16)

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>> 果園遠處的彩虹, 為辛勤, 無聊的"外勞"們, 帶來驚喜的一刻.

>> 旅途中, 地平線出現的一道彩虹 (霓?).

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聖誕節前夕, 結束了Alexandra的台勞生活, 搭乘朋友的車來到皇后鎮, 也多虧有人開車, 所以邊開邊玩, 路經高空彈跳處, 也來到離皇后鎮不遠的Deer Park.

如同告示牌, 標榜著這裏有著皇后鎮最好的360的景觀, 有著已馴服的/溫順的動物可餵食, 魔戒拍攝的景點…

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皇后鎮, 紐西蘭南島的旅遊重鎮, 高空彈跳的發源地(應該是吧?!), 噴射船, 纜車, 魔戒景點行程(不在市區)…, 不過, 以上我通通沒玩到. 來到皇后鎮時, 已經是到了紐西蘭後, 約三個月的時間了, 預算考量, 對於要花大錢, 但我又沒特別有興趣的活動, 就儘量不要去, 而不是像一開始想的, 儘量什麼都要玩到.

嗯, 對高空彈跳是有點興趣, 但印象中是蠻花錢的, 所以後來是和朋友開車經過此處, 參觀了一下就離開.

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Aspiring National Park / South Island of New Zealand

Aspiring國家公園位於Wanaka近郊, 這次我走的是它的 Rob Roy 步道, 此步道較特別處是, 在步道的終點處可遠望Rob Roy 冰河前緣.

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時間: 2007年01月
Waitomo 紐西蘭北島的一個”小地方”, 路邊只有幾家商店與幾處住宿點, 但有特殊的活動吸引我到此. 在預算有限的狀況下, 我捨棄了高空彈跳, SkyDiving…等等等紐西蘭著名的活動, 來到Waitomo參加了”Lost World 7 Hours Epic – 失落的世界”這個活動.

我參加的行程Lost World 7 Hours Epic, 簡單來講, 就是先垂降到一百公尺的山澗下, 走入地底洞穴 – 有分乾, 濕兩種行程 – , 在地底洞穴內”健行”, 順道參觀紐西蘭的螢火蟲, 再回到”文明”的世界.
200701 Waitomo - 10.jpg

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Milford Track 米佛步道 – 行前


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米佛步道 – Milford Track  簡介

資料上寫著,米佛步道是全世界最棒(Finest)的步道之一,全長為33.5英里,約是53公里,它位於紐西蘭南島的西南方向,就在著名的米佛峽灣(Milford Sound)下面。


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Hooker Valley 步道
Hooker Valley,資料上的來回時間寫的好像是約4小時。若有開車的人,可先開車至入口處的停車場,不然的話,依舊是要先走Kea Point再至Hooker Valley。

記得在Lake Te Kapo時,和一位行動不便的日本阿伯同搭一班車到庫克山,後來和他聊天才知道,走路有點像是在拖行的他,原來是中過風,每兩、三個月要到(日本)醫院報到,但已退休的他,還是一人趴趴走。

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Mt Cook 庫克山:海拔約3800公尺,紐西蘭第一高山。

住宿:庫克山村莊(Mt Cook Valley)的YHA,三天。

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200608 ~ 200701 五個多月倒裝的紐西蘭行程.

20070120 Go back Taiwan, transfer at Bangkok

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I took "Bluebridge" ferry - a 3 and half hours trip through "Cook Strait" to Picton of South Ialand.

Except wind, I had a good trip by ferry, I took some pictures of Wellington city when the ferry was sailing Wellington harbour, then it went into "Cook Strait", turned right aimed to South Island, you can see the costal line of both South and North Island at the same time when the ferry was sailing at "Cook Strait", but nothing special, I just thought about " how the early immigrant thought when they saw the land after 3 or 4 months trip by ship???"

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After worked two months, finally I left "Hawkes Bay".

I took newmans bus to Wellington, after the long long "sheeps", "cows"... those green mountain road, the bus drove into west costal, wind, wave, gloomy weather instead of the sunny day.It looks like the costal of high latitude country, looks very cold, but I like it.


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"Te Mata" Peak

Lonely Planet: "Te Mata" peak is part of the 98 hectare "Te Mata Trust Park", with four walkways of varying difficulty, and you can drive right up to the trig at the summit.
Dramatically sheer cliffs rise to the "Te Mata" trig(399M), commanding a spectacular view over the "Heretaunga Plains" to "Hawke Bay".(LP)

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Every year there is blossom festival at Hastings on September.

This year it was held on 16 Sep, last saturday, the day I should go to work , but I took a rest - change my role from "Tai Lau" mode to tourist mode.

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雖然標題是 "紐西蘭第一天的作業", 但我花了好幾天在這上面, 哈.

給有閒, 想省錢, 沒預定行程的背包抵達奧克蘭的幾個小步驟:
機場內的旅遊介紹頗多, 不管有沒有做功課或有沒有旅遊書了, 一定要拿幾本旅遊介紹, 因為夾頁內有不多折價卷.

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