"Te Mata" Peak
Lonely Planet: "Te Mata" peak is part of the 98 hectare "Te Mata Trust Park", with four walkways of varying difficulty, and you can drive right up to the trig at the summit.
Dramatically sheer cliffs rise to the "Te Mata" trig(399M), commanding a spectacular view over the "Heretaunga Plains" to "Hawke Bay".(LP)
"Te Mata" Peak is close to where I live - Hastings - now, we can see it far away - it looks like a people who lying down on top of the peak, it's called "Sleeping Giant".
Last Sunday, I went to there with 2 Japanese guys, 10 minutes driving time, we parked the car on the entrance of "Te Mata Trust Park" , then walked the trail to the summit.
Althouth here is a local spot and not high, but there are many big trees here, fresh air, clean trail..., not like Taiwan, if you want to see it, you need to go to the mountain; Of course, there are many sheeps too, here is New Zealand, sheeps are at everywhere.
"Te Mata" Peak just 399 metros, it's steep somewhere, but no pain no gain, you can see the "Hawke Bay" including "Napier", "Hastings", "Havelock North", many fruit farms, maybe including the vineyard where I work. And another side of peak is the way to the "Ocean Beach"(South), a river along the road, some vinerires scatter on there.
- Oct 03 Tue 2006 07:01
Te mata peak ( Sleeping Giant ) / Hastings